Philip Watts

Philip Watts "Rock 'n' Roll", a set of door handles adorned with skulls with different finishes.

Philip has also created other pieces biased around the rock and roll style which are also associated with the macabre style.

Scott Campbell

I love his layered money sculptures as they have a similar macabre feel to them, I like the way that the details on the notes themselves add the depth and intricacy of a human skull so the design is far more descriptive than if it were done on card.

Neil Macqueen

I have been looking into Neil Macqueen's work and i have taken a lot of inspiration from a few pieces of his work. First off i have looked at his "Diviso stool" 
This stool has the layered combination that i really want to achieve with my piece. 
The other piece of neil's i have taken an interest in is "favo" which has a similar layer format but is a light. 
I really like the idea of playing with light, i plan on lighting my perspex piece and this is a great example on how the layered design can really work with light and create great shadow.


With this design i could make each slice out of thinner perspex, (uner 2mm), each piece would be strung up with 2 pieces of wire and simply hook onto each piece


Previously it has been mentioned that my work did not need to be a chair and that is something that i have taken into consideration.
I have been looking into lighting and more specifically a chandelier. This idea will not change my piece much except to enhance its aspects.

development of my idea and work

I want to make a full sized slice to see how realistic the design is.

Looking at where my project at, i want my layered skull chair to be lit so looks good and functions. I want to have each slice made from clear perspex to have a more clinical feel, the under lighting will add to this.
The problem with using perspex is that it will have to be really think to hold the weight of a person, plus i want the skull to be a decent width so it looks relatively like a head and having thick perspex slices will widen the overall size and create a bench shape.

Where it could be displayed

I have been thinking about where it could be displayed, I feel that it could be accessible to a wide range of people i.e. in a home as a point of focus, equally it could be in clubs which it would have more success being under lit. The piccadilly institute is just one example where it would suit very well.

re-vized model

 This would be the the stand formation to allow 2 strip lights underneath and light up the peice like a light on its own.

materials change and more inspiration

I have given more thought to the piece and want to make the chair from perspex to emphasis the cat scan feel. I have concerns about the strength of the perspex with someone sitting on it.

I have also looked into places it could be displayed and found a place called the "Piccadilly institute" in london which has a quirky interior that has helped inspire new changes in my piece. 

developed idea

From my previous designs i have developed the idea into a singular design which will sill need taking further.

With this model i have made a massive error where i resized the head slices from large to small which has resulted in a dramatic shape.

From these initial models, it was plain to see that there needed to be some changes, but the basic idea/ shape and from was coming together and the path forward was a little more clear to follow.


 cut out head out line

Drawings, materials and next steps in development.

At this point i am thinking about using metal frame work for one and then a leather covering and the other design would be made from wood, but both aren't cost effective and could be very time consuming.