3rd chair

I got this chair as it had very distinctive features that i wanted to play with, also it was very different to the other two that i had done before. When i got the chair home i had to do a few minor repairs to make it sturdy and ready to work on.
I first removed the seat and striped the coverings to see if i had to replace the cushioning but i did'nt. i had a relatively good idea what i wanted to achieve with this chair, i covered the seat in a black velvet different to the previous chair and then looked into simple (project themed) designs in tattoo books and magazines. looking threw the images i like the idea of a skull but a more modern style tot he traditional tattoo design. With this i went and came up with my skull design to fit in the arm loop areas. I then played around with the design and came up with the final piece which is the skull design in a ring which would fit into the arm of each side. i then looked at the back section and enlarged the skull but got rid of the ring and i plan to cut out the harm and turn the outer arms of that into wings for the central skull back detail.

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