Car parts into furnature

I have been researching into some great individual pieces of work,

These are simple and not so simple examples of what can be done with a few car parts, i also looked into an artiest called Amava Bhattacharya, who has created a collection of furniture using parts of cars,
The automotive furniture recycles auto trash into intricate furniture items. ( a quote about recycling auto trash. "Auto trash is one of the most hazardous environmental pollutants, and recycling it is a major challenge facing the world. Every year, thousands and thousands of cars, bikes, trucks, heavy automobiles, and lighter ones, generate an incredible amount of trash which includes metallic parts, rubber, glass and other toxic materials. Automobiles which do not function, or are irreparably damaged due to accidents and the like, are dumped in garages across countries and go to waste, and these pose a severe threat to our environment. The EPA of the United States has recorded, in 2009, the generation of almost 243 million tons of waste of which only 82 million were fed back into the environment through recycling leading to a woefully inadequate 33.8% recycling rate. Where the average waste production of an individual in the US is 4.34 pounds, the figure of recycled waste, which is only 1.46 pounds, is abysmal and shocking. Junkyards could have become a sought after location for cheap automobile parts but that path of recycling has been adopted by very few Americans.")

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