I wanted to look at some more natural influences because dark, evil and magic are associated with nature. i came across a "green" designer (Kai Linke) who create these perspex chairs which is fills with soil and plants that grow and develop in the chairs. the plants used are all fast growing like grasses and bulb plants so the root system fills the chair chasing to create the full effect of the piece.

I then wanted to find some other examples of something similar that may have some other properties that could benefit my work in other ways.
I found this designer called "Kinokoto" who believes that plants carry healing and therapeutic properties and that they can grow almost anywhere and so why not in furniture, he has designed chairs and tables to house plants and grow them.

I like both the integration of the plants but also they have a great destructive power, if tree is large enough or has root systems big enough they can destroy houses, rock and mountain sides and kill anything else near them. i want to take this understanding of the destructive power as well as the aesthetics of plant growing threw a chair and put them together.

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