looking at hand carved furniture or sculpture and from the carving i have done myself i liked the process of taking down layers of wood to end up with the size or shape required. As i was carving and watching videos online on how other people carve i liked the way the wood was feathered and how it is meant for being go rid of but creates some very interesting organic shapes and design.

i further looked into this idea and found some flowers, stick people and a christmas tree that had been made from wood shavings, but only the tree had was still attacked to the stick it came from which is closer to the design aesthetic i would like.

I also looked for some furniture that came under the name of feathered as that is the term for the process to create the wood shavings. from this search i found this chair designed by "Elyse Hochstadt"
I like the effect the the feathers give as they give a generally flat surface a clean organic texture which is something that i would like to create with my wooden feathering.

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